
What Are Factors Of 120

Factors of 120 are the numbers, which gives the result as 120 when multiplied together in a pair. There are many factors that are normally used in mathematical calculations such as factors of 56, 90, etc. Prime factors of number 120 basically give out prime numbers. To detect the factors of a number, 120, we will use the partitioning method. Here we will find the factors in pair, total factors and the prime factorization of 120.

Tabular array of Contents:

  • What are the Factors of 120?
  • Pair Factors of 120
  • Prime Factorization of 120
  • Examples
  • FAQs

What are the Factors of 120?

The factors of 120 are the numbers that divide the number 120 exactly without leaving any residuum. In other words, the numbers which on multiplication in pairs resulting in the original number 120, are called the factors of 120. As 120 is a composite number, it has more than ii factors. The factors of 120 are 1, two, iii, 4, 5, 6, 8, ten, 12, 15, twenty, 24, 30, 40, sixty and 120.

Factors of 120: 1, ii, 3, iv, 5, vi, 8, 10, 12, xv, twenty, 24, 30, forty, 60 and 120

Prime Factorization of 120: 2 3 ×3×5

Pair Factors of 120

We can find the pair factors of a number 120, by multiplying ii numbers in a pair to go the original number. The pair factors of 120 tin can exist positive or negative. The following are the positive and negative pair factors of 120.

Positive Factors of 120 Positive Pair Factors of 120
i × 120 (1, 120)
2 × lx (two, lx)
3 × 40 (3, 40)
four × xxx (4, thirty)
5 × 24 (5, 24)
vi × 20 (six, 20)
8 × 15 (8, 15)
10 × 12 (10, 12)

As well, the negative pair factors of 120 are:

Negative Factors of 120 Negative Pair Factors of 120
-1 × -120 (-ane, -120)
-two × -60 (-2, -sixty)
-three × -40 (-3, -twoscore)
-four × -30 (-4, -30)
-v × -24 (-5, -24)
-6 × -xx (-half dozen, -20)
-8 × -15 (-8, -15)
-10 × -12 (-10, -12)

Prime Factorization of 120

120 is a composite number. At present let us detect the prime number factors of 120.

    • The first pace is to split the number 120 with the smallest prime gene, i.e. 2 and go along dividing by 2 until y'all get a fraction.

120 ÷ 2 = lx

threescore ÷ two = 30

30 ÷ ii = 15

15 ÷ 2 = 7.5; 7.v cannot be a gene

    • Now, go on to the side by side prime numbers, i.e. three and continue dividing till y'all get a fraction or ane.

xv ÷ 3 = 5

5 ÷ 3 = one.66; cannot be a cistron

    • Therefore, moving to the next prime, five.

5 ÷ 5 = 1

Nosotros take received 1 at the cease of the division process and farther, we cannot proceed. So, the prime factors of 120 are 2 × 2 × ii × 3 × 5 or 23 × three × 5, where 2, three and 5 are the prime numbers.

Video Lesson on Prime number Factors

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Find the common factors of 120 and 121.


The factors of 120 are one, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, eight, 10, 12, 15, xx, 24, thirty, twoscore, 60 and 120.

The factors of 121 are 1, 11 and 121.

Therefore, the mutual gene of 120 and 121 is i.

Example 2:

Find the common factors of 120 and 119.


Factors of 120 = 1, two, 3, iv, five, half-dozen, viii, 10, 12, 15, twenty, 24, 30, 40, threescore and 120

Factors of 119 = 1, seven, 17, 119.

Therefore, the common factor of 120 and 119 is one.

Example three:

Detect the mutual factors of 120 and sixty.


The factors of 120 are 1, 2, 3, iv, 5, 6, 8, x, 12, fifteen, xx, 24, 30, 40, lx and 120

The factors of 60 are 1, 2, three, 4, 5, six, x, 12, fifteen, twenty, 30, and 60.

Hence, the mutual factors of 120 and lx are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, thirty, and 60.

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Oftentimes Asked Questions on Factors of 120

What are the factors of 120?

The factors of 120 are the numbers which are multiplied in pairs, resulting in the original number 120. The factors of 120 are 1, 2, 3, four, 5, 6, viii, 10, 12, 15, twenty, 24, 30, 40, 60 and 120.

What is the prime factorization of 120?

The prime factorization of 120 is ii × 2 × ii × three × 5 or 2three × 3 × 5.

What are the positive pair factors of 120?

The positive pair factors of 120 are (1, 120), (2, 60), (3, forty), (4, 30), (five, 24), (6, xx), (8, 15), and (ten, 12).

Write downwards the negative pair factors of 120?

The negative pair factors of 120 are (-1, -120), (-2, -60), (-3, -xl), (-4, -thirty), (-five, -24), (-6, -20), (-viii, -15), and (-10, -12).

Is 60 a factor of 120?

Yes, 60 is a gene of 120. Equally the number 60 divides 120 exactly without leaving any remainder, 60 is a cistron of 120.

What Are Factors Of 120,


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